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About the Fund

The Vigor Fund was established in November 2015 as a closed-end real estate mutual fund. For the period of capital formation, the Fund's bankroll was directed to the Russian financial market for operations with securities and various financial instruments.

For six months, from the moment of the subscription to the Fund shares, the income from financial transactions with accumulated capital was more than 200%. Thus, the profit from operations in the stock market significantly exceeded the planned income from real estate transactions.

After analyzing the activities of the Fund, and assessing the prospects for its further work, the founders decided to convert it from a closed-end share investment fund to a hedge fund.

Vigor Russian Securities Fund is an independent investment hedge fund, which has no regulatory restrictions, aimed at sustainable profit-making.

The essence of the Fund is the preservation and accumulation of equity and investor funds for investing in various ruble financial assets, in order to obtain a high level of income on an ongoing basis, regardless of the direction of the markets and stock indices.




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